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I stood. "You must be tired, Stella." Hurriedly, I grabbed a couple of stuff from an adjoining table and hand them to her. "Here--- your schedule for the month. You're assigned to Group 9, your duty will begin the next day."
Her hand hovers over the folders. Then, she makes a move to grab them.
"Um..." I give my head a little shake. "So, you're the newest Librarian. You'll have to undergo a probation of two months. You'll be the only recruit. But don't worry too much about it--- you'll soon get accustomed to this place."
She nods, slightly bewildered.
I gently steer her towards the door. "You may take the day off... find your way around this place. For now... you can head over to your Domain--- it's in the ninth wing. You'll find directions on the map inside your folder."
"Thank you." She whispers softly. Her voice wavers just a little bit, and I could see that it's taking all of her nerves to just hold out any longer.
"Don't worry. We can continue this talk some other time." I drag the bolts across the door and fling it open. "For now... I suggest you get some rest. Feel free to ask any Librarian for any help, advice, tips...
Librarians are always there to help you navigate through confusion. Especially in our domain."
A/N: hello!!!!! Thank you all for reading this book! ^^ pls continue to support by voting and commenting on your thoughts!! Thankssss!!!
~Tiffany :)
Chapter Four// David
David's POV
After breakfast, I drag myself into the library. I pause at the doorway leading underground and survey the rooms through half-closed eyelids. Yawning, I shuffle over to an empty table and plop down into a vacant chair. Actually, being this early in the morning, I don't anticipate any visitors. There are few librarians in the library this morning--- or possibly it's because their groups don't have to be on duty today.
I sigh, glancing around. Where were all the members of Group Nine? It's nine thirty already and we visitors start flocking in around ten.
With nothing else to do, I get out of my seat and pace the landings. Absent-mindedly, I pick up stray books tossed around by careless readers and insert them back into the racks they belong. I scanned through the shelves, making sure the books are stacked in pristine order--- following the Dewey system, and arranged according to height. I'm paranoid that way. While the other groups' racks are haphazardly arranged, I simply cannot have books left about in the wrong places.
Hmm... this morning, the books are all arranged according to order, and I smile, satisfied. Lucky for G9's members, I could find no bone to pick. They all know that I am a Perfectionist deep inside.
Satisfied with my shelves, I move onto the next section, and immediately frown at the careless way the books are arranged. Sighing heavily, I begin to sort them out.
I was so absorbed in my work, I hadn't notice someone creeping up on me from behind. I jump a little and the book I had in my hand as I reached out, slips from my grip and falls onto my head.
"Ow!" I half whisper, half yell.
"Oh... sorry." I turn around and to my delight, there stands none other than Stella. Realizing how much of an idiot I had appeared to be, I tried to mask my emotions.
"Morning, Star." I greet, rubbing my head and reaching down to pick up the fallen book. At the same time, she bent down, and for awhile, our hands hover awkwardly above the book. It was like: Um... so who will take it first? Oh... you go ahead. It's that excruciating. At last, I made a grab for it, but was beaten by Stella.
I straighten, trying not to look too conscious that I'd started a really awkward situation involving a girl a book and a klutz. Way to goof out, Dave.
She brushes the cover of the book, and I am surprised at the amount of dust which falls out. Group Nine's section always brush our books, weekly. I make a mental note to speak with Caleb about this. This is a disgrace!
"Intro into Interrogation." She reads out aloud off the cover. Eyebrows raised, she shrugs. "Ah well." Turning to me, she asks, "Teach me how to arrange this?" She holds up the thick volume.
I hadn't realized that I was staring at her until she spoke to me. I focus on her words, but I find that my eyes can't leave hers. "Um, yeah."
She looks beautiful this morning. So different from yesterday, when she... when she, uh, looks like a normal girl? I don't usually hang out with many gorgeous girls to be able to describe their appearance, but if I dared, I would describe Stella right now as... fresh. Yeah, that's the right word.
She looks as if she'd just woken up afresh from a good night's sleep. Well, so had I , but I'm betting I don't look half as good as she does. I mean, people have told me that I have bed hair each morning, but my hair always seems to be in a mess one way or another. Plus, I realize that every time after I wake, my left eye appears slightly bigger than my right. Arghhh.
But Stella is a good different. She looks wide awake, and she glances at wonder at the things around her, for which I could understand. Her dark chocolate irises shines, and her lips look so soft and pink...
I shake myself. Get a grip on yourself, David! You can't do this again. I breath in slowly and let my breath out in one quick puff.
"Okay, so the Star would like a few lessons from David." I pick up a random book.
I hear her sighing. "Ah... Didi, well--- whatever, fine."
I study her. She looks a little distracted. Okay, more like over-distracted. Her expression is spacey and I could tell she is preoccupied with something. I clear my throat. "So, how was your talk with the President?" i watch her reaction closely. Most of the time, when Alex invites librarians into his office for a private talk...
I shiver, trying to dismiss the even from my mind.
Stella's face darkens, and for a second, she looks fearsome. In a cute, but don't mess with me, way. She presses her lips together and looks away. "Fine." Was her curt answer.
I decide not to press it. I shrug, trying to look nonchalant, while inside, I am bursting with curiosity. Not just at the talk with Alex, but about her life.
Snap out of it, I scold myself. You're not a prying busybody. How would you like it if she were to find out about you, David?
That lowered my spirits. Then I realized that I'm keeping Stella waiting. She still holds the book on Intro into Interrogation. I pick up a book. It's Volume II, surprisingly.
"Okay, so, on the first page, there is a bar-code." I explain, demonstrating by flipping open the book and pointing it out. "Library members are allowed to check out the books for a week, and the bar-code is an easy way to keep track of---"
"Yeah, I know." She smiles. "But, if you don't mind me asking--- why do you still use bar-codes and a scanner? I mean, why not adapt something more technologically advanced? There are many new ways to check out a book." She insists.
I stroke my chin. "Well, don't ask me! Ask Mister President! Although, it probably requires more money, and we seem to have had spent too much on ah---remodelling this place." I gesture across the landing.
She nods, though not quite certain. "Sorry. You may continue.'
"So as I was telling the star," I glance up at her from the corner of my eye, but she doesn't correct me on the name. Maybe she is adapting to the name. She hardly seems to notice.
"Above the bar-code, there is a string of numbers, which is the book's serial number. And that one is the number given in reference to the system we use, which categorizes the book by its category. This one," I point at the book in her hands, "Is categorized as... self-help, so you could refer its number to this chart," I bring her to a chart hanging off the wall.
"There are many placed at regular intervals all around the library." I inform Stella. "That way, it'll be easier for a visitor to find a book. Here are the shelf plans for the book arrangement. It's not that hard to remember." I say, noticing her frown as she stares hard at the chart. "Librarians refer to this too, but I guarantee that within a short time, you'll be a pro at arranging books!" I promise.
"Do y
ou want me to show you where---" I offer to help, but she cuts me off.
"It's okay. I think I can find it. But thanks." She takes one last look at the plans and heads off to a shelf. Staring at it, she mentally scans for the right spot. I stroll casually behind. I hold the sequel to the first book (though goodness knows who'd write two of those same topics), and i had already found the spot.
Stella didn't have to search for long. Her keen eyes quickly flicks through the books, and their serial numbers. She places the book into an empty space and turns around, a triumphant grin on her face.
I raise my eyebrows. "Hm, not bad! Looks like Stars really are Bright!" I advance closer, book in hand. "But," I spin round. "You made a mistake."
Her smile fades. A tiny crease in her forehead appears. "What---"
I grab the book off the rack and wave it in her face, a smile on my face. "You forgot to arrange it by height, and this poor one left a huge sinkhole amongst the giants."
She rolls her eyes. "Perfectionist freak." Which just about sums me up perfectly.
Stella snatches the book away and replaces it in a different place. "Better now?" She sighs dramatically.
I lower my head and pretend to squint at the books. I wait for five seconds, then slowly draw back my head. "Hmm... I'll give it a pass."
I dodge her mock punch. What I didn't realize was that it's a 'mock' punch, therefore not really meant to hit me. By dodging, I had helped turn that fake punch into a genuine one.
"Ow!" I complain. Wonderful, the second time I had screamed 'ow' in front of Stella.
She lowers her arm. "I didn't punch that hard."
I stare at her.
"Fine. Only because I swung my fist and you bumped into me at the moment the force I exerted on the air was the highest."
I roll my eyes. But I can't help laughing a little. Suddenly, I'm not that tired anymore.
"Great. Then, we are done with this shelf. Let the other group sort through their troubles!"
She frowns. "Wait. You mean to say that we've been arranging books from the wrong shelf? What group does this shelf belong to?" She questions.
"I should be asking you what group you are assigned to! Who is the schmuck who has to be burdened with you?" I tease.
She narrows her eyelids at me. "Really? Then would you mind telling me the name of the leader of Group Nine?" She retrieves a folded piece of paper from her skinny jeans pocket and unfolds it. "From what I gather, it is the weirdo little Dee---"
I hold up my hands in surrendering mode. "Fine, fine. I'm that unlucky guy!" I grin. Suddenly, I don't feel the least unlucky. It's like the world had taken on a whole new scale of brightness. She is in my group! With me! I get to spend more time---
Quit it, David. I reprimand myself. Sure, she is cute and fun and all, but I'm sure she doesn't think the same of me.
"Well... I may be the schmuck," I say, not meaning it. "So that makes you even more of a schmuck!" I inform her gleefully.
Her brows furrow in confusion. "Why is that so?" She retaliates.
"Because, Lucky Star, your leader is the most---"
"The most particular, fussy, demanding, picky, fastidious---"
I turn around so fast I could hear snapping and popping sounds from my back.
"Caleb." I snarl at the medium sized, sandy haired guy of nineteen. Boy, did that guy and I have a rocky acquaintance.
He raises his eyebrows in minimal amusement. "Ah--- David." He nods to me amiably. I could tell that it is feigned. He tilts his head and immediately, I could tell he is checking out Stella. I clench my fists in annoyance. Even though, you know, I shouldn't be jealous. But here I am... feeling positively furious---
Or maybe it's the fact that every time Caleb and I cross roads, (which is extremely often, him being Group Eight's leader and all) we always seem to start up a dispute.
Yeah...I assure myself that's the real reason behind my anger.
"You must be the newbie here." He offers Stella a charming smile and I resist the urge to smack it off his face. He extends a hand in her direction. Seeing Stella hesitate, he reaches out and grabs her hand anyway. The jerk.
How. Dare. He.
I catch his smirk, and I know he is doing this to aggravate me further. As if he hadn't before.
"Please to be of acquaintance! I am Caleb, by the way. Leader of the most enjoyable group of the library!" He brags to Stella.
"Excuse me? I think you have to learn a little hygiene." I say, taking a random book from his shelf and wave it in his face. He sneezes as the dust particles found their way into his nostrils. I smirk and shove the book into his hand, separating his from Stella's.
Glaring at me, Caleb tossed the book into a nearby book trolley. "Oh, at least I am not a slave driver!" He sneers at me.
Stella watches us, in a daze. I don't blame her. Half of Caleb is enough to overwhelm even two Alexes.
I take an advancing step towards Caleb. If that guy tried any funny business---
To my annoyance, Caleb busts into peals of loud laughter. "You are too sensitive DeeDee." He mocks. Once again, I resist the urge to take the upcoming fight out-of-doors. A glance at Stella softens me.
"Oh, go tidy your racks, David." Caleb tosses at me before sauntering off.
"A rule of the Library, Cal:
You should always keep the library clean and orderly!"
A/N: Hello! A long chapter for you! Thank you for reading, and please vote and comment!!! ^^
~Tiffany :)
Chapter Five// Stella
Stella's POV
My day had kick-started off on a high note. Waking up to dim lights, cozy wooden-themed furniture in a small, enclosed den somewhere underground after a good long night's sleep had been the ultimate change I had to adjust to in about twenty-four hours since I left home.
Propping myself up on my comfortable bed, I yawn, but it's a refreshing yawn. Somebody once told me that yawning washes our brain with a cool wave. Huh. I'm not sure about the scientific points but that is the very sensation I'm experiencing.
One look around my new den would be enough to send me back into a cozy slumber--- the cave-like walls, tiny niches, orange flame-like lighting down the sides of the walls, the design reflects warm and welcoming memories. But I'm too wide awake and eager to explore my new home, sleeping seemed like the fool's option.
I get changed. I find a pair of dark jeans in a wardrobe-like space in the wall. I hesitate. Wearing something from the age of the cowboys might make me come off as old-fashioned. Besides, I doubt that librarians would wear anything so casual on their duty. That's because I'm on duty this morning--- or so it states on the papers Alex gave me.
There is nothing very much in my new wardrobe, and I begin to crave for my trendy clothing back at the Organization HQ... I reach into my backpack and pull out a dark purple pullover. I hold it close, breathing in its scent. If only---
But, no. I can't.
I toss the pullover aside, tossing my cravings away. I hardened my heart. Hey---I'm Stella Stare, former agent, yes, but I'll have to leave my old life behind me now. At the moment, I'm living a new life, starting anew.
Which means I'll need a change. A refreshing change.
Twenty minutes later, I'm in the Library. I wonder if I have to report for duty. I am in Group Nine. I have no idea if the groups are sorted by order of some kind, like the best group to the lowliest... all that I know is I have to find my group leader.
A playful smile crept up on my face as I spot him dutifully carrying out his daily responsibilities.
For a moment, I just watch from a distance. He looks so absorbed as he went about sorting out the books. He is wearing jeans, so I relax a little about mine. I smooth out my ruffled blouse, fingering the white lace patterns.
Well, it's time I made my presence know,
Oops. Looks like I had distracted him at the wrong moment. At the mention of his name, he jumps up li
ke a startled deer, and the book he is holding out falls from his grasp, hitting him on the head and bouncing onto the ground.
"Ow!" He yells softly.
"Oh... sorry." I cover my mouth, wincing. I'd never thought I'd say a book hit my head, as there are, well, no books from what I'd known. But I guess things are a little more conventional around here. So, a book fell off the shelf and hit my friend on the head. Owie.
"Morning Star!" He grins. I manage a small smile. He looks better than he did when I last saw him---which was yesterday. He had on a dark gray cotton t-shirt. His hair though, is no improvement. Messy as ever.
He rubs the side of his head where the book had hit him. I feel bad that I had startled him enough to cause him to slip up.
I bend down to pick up the book. I shadow crossed my sight. I feel David by my side. Oops. Awkward situation as the both of us hovered over one measly book. At last, I pick it up.
Brushing the cover, I squint at the title: Intro into Interrogation. Hmm, looks like I really need to borrow this book for a read sooner or later. Interrogation may be freaky, or fun, or freaky fun. Whichever hits your right spot.
Well, at the moment, I needed lessons on how to arrange books.
"Teach me how to arrange this?" I hold up the thick volume.
Well, that had been weird.
I follow David, who storms away. I glance over at my shoulder. Caleb tilts his hand at me, a grin on his face. I smile uncertainly. In the inside, I feel a little queasy.
Urghh. Just one morning, and I had caused my group leader to be hit on the head with a book, then endure cheeky comments from a guy whom I'm sure had a rocky relationship with David. Oh, that and I think he had just tried to hit on me.
For the first time that morning, I'm just glad that my life now revolves around chopped up pieces of trees, made into thin pieces of paper, and bound into volumes of books which I would have the pleasure of picking up and dusting just about every day, at least according to Caleb.
I'm kind of surprised that I'm not all that horrified to learn that my group leader is a known slave-driver.