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Deptheless: Under the Library
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Depthless: Under the Library
By Tiffany Tay
Published by Tiffany Tay at Smashwords
Copyright 2015 Tiffany Tay
Smashwords Edition, License Notes
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Mysterious Person's POV
“She holds the key. Understand--- yours, and our problems won’t be resolved unless you accept my offer.”
“Of the girl?” I click my tongue in disgust. “Sorry--- but we can’t take anymore.” I say, emphasizing my will with a firm shake of my head.
“There have been too many incidents of late… too many unpreventable deaths. I’m sure you are familiar with the poor refugees that none of us--- all of our effort combined, even--- could locate. You don’t want your family in further danger, do you?” My client reclines in the leather chair at my table, a grim look on his slightly distinguished face.
“And I’m sure you are equally familiar with how the patterns occur, the trends. The cycle can’t possibly be prevented… especially not by what you have suggested. It’s too late, we can’t afford to take her in.” I rose, a sigh escaping my lips.
The cold stone walls loom darkly all around. Another factor increasing to my impending urge to rise up from the depths and seek the sunlight… For the moment, I’m buried deep in these tunnels of oppression. Yet, ironically, to the majority of the population, this is their saving grace, their shadow of refuge.
Shaking my head, I wave my hand, dismissing my client. He frowns, and doesn’t make a move for the door. A shadow crosses his face as he tilts his head to stare at me. There was a glint of steeliness in his expression that made me second guess this man’s objectives. Suddenly, I became all too aware of the impending risks in our given situation.
“I see you are hesitating my offer. Very well. Let me offer you a better deal. The girl has to be given a space--- I insist upon that. In return, you will cut off all our connections our ancestors had made in the past. I’ve planted enough suggestions in your head. And you, I’m sure, are already fed up with having to deal with our problems. The best way is---“
“A Disconnection?” I was thrown off track. How could he even have thought of that? I was too stunned to think about anything else. “After all those links we build up? How are you suggesting we do that?”
“Oh, the process is quite simple, actually, though I’ve never tried, of course.” He says, not looking in the least disgruntled. “Only thing is… there Curse will always find a way to backfire on us.”
“Which is why it’s never been done before.” I answered dryly. “And I won’t do it this time.”
“Oh, nonsense.” He chastised. “We can’t keep up this link any longer. I already feared for the worst. There is nothing more to be said about this matter. Keep the girl and let us move on. You are, after all, indebted to us. Don’t tell me that you don’t know who we are talking about. Our whole Organization knows you took in that boy.”
I moistened the parched bit on my tongue. “He came to us. Our Library just doesn’t ignore the desperate pleas for refuge. Unlike your Organization, we don’t place judgment upon our people.”
“There you go!” He pounces with a wry grin. “You pointed it out yourself--- you don’t judge who you take in, so why not just accept my little Agent?” I pursed my lips. Receiving no response, he continues, “She is strong, with quick reflexes and I foresee that she will bring an end to all this catastrophe.”
“What if your plan backfires? Have you even given it a thorough thought?” My brows furrow as weighed the scales, the pros with the cons. However, I can’t seem to find a balance. “You do know what this could bring upon both our sides, don’t you? There was a reason we called a truce in the first place. We needed balance. And now you plan to overthrow it? How do I know that you wouldn’t just turn the tables on us and take over the world?”
"This is an emergency." He insists. "We have important things to protect. You should know. Our little Agent... she would do perfectly."
I raise an eyebrow, skeptical. "And... this Agent? Does she fully understand the risks?"
He hesitates. "She has no clue. But I trust upon you to guide her well, do what it takes."
I scowl. "She doesn't have a clue." I muse. "But still she wants to join? Registration is long closed. We do not accept latecomers. Not until next year. Why send her so early?"
"You don't understand! If you don't accept her now, what you strive for is doomed! She needs you, and you have to take her in. There is no other way."
A niggling voice in my head whispers that what he is saying is the horrible truth. We’d experienced countless disasters in the past, we’ve all tried our luck at putting a stop to this Curse, combined forces with the vile organization, of which the CO sits reclined at the opposite end of the table.
“There is a reason this place is known for its infinite depth.” At last, I shared my views. Not on my will, but taping into his plan, plotting the procedure along with him. Two allies, once enemies, now working together to bring down a prominent link. “Once you are disconnected from us, we can’t form allies, which means no more bonds whatsoever would be permitted inside or out of this place---“
My client chuckles dismissively. “That would be lovely.” He thought aloud. Then coughing into his fist, he shoots me a triumphant smile, the cold gaze never leaves his eyes. “The girl will be surrendered to you when the time comes. I myself won’t know when that will be, but believe me when I say she will be brought forth one day. By my successor, or even myself if I’m lucky.”
I nodded, my smile tight on my face. “Wonderful.” The word rolled off my tongue like a sour orange. “So in return of disconnecting our alliance, even possibly resulting in both our demises… you would only send your, ah--- said salvation possibly decades later?”
I couldn’t help it. There was something not quite right going on underneath all of this… something I couldn’t quite pin onto. It’s all causing me a massive headache. I could feel the little waves of doubt flooding my mind, urging me to decline this ridiculous offer, and yet…
“You are right.” I admit. His offer had tempted its way into my mind. If what he had planned fails to run smoothly… Our whole population would crumble under the Curse that’s been hovering over our heads for so long. People would be led to believe a lie about their existence, and many will lose their loved ones to the shadowy curse that lingers about, never failing to pounce on its next victim and engulf them, draw them deeper away from the present.
I had to come to a conclusion. A hasty one which I hated with all my strength, but which dutiful obligations had led me to take up.
“Let’s hasten this process. I hope you bear in mind the consequences which will follow.”
“Lovely plan!” If possible, his grin reflects the image of a devious man below his wrinkle-free face.
“Before I leave forever though, I just want to let you know that the past few decades of working at your beck and call, ah--- sorry, working side by side, have been exhilarating. You have aged so little since I first met you…
“It’s time Time left its mark on you. Take heart--- you’ll need it close to fight your upcoming battles… on your own.”
“Remember your promise, OC, that’s all I ask of you. You have guaran
teed us a deliverer. Your plan had better be effective.”
Chapter One// Stella
Stella's POV
I was sent to a library.
So what? A library? Big deal. No... with us, it has to be the library. The Greatest, largest and best library on Earth.
And he expected me to find it on my own.
Thinking about the Alpha only saddened me. Ripped off the family, the Organization. I brushed the angry tears away and try to turn my attention to the map in my hands.
After turning it here and then there... I was just about ready to give up and whip up the UPTracker. But then I realized, I don't have it anymore.
Frustration coursed through my veins. How dare they strip me of my identity... my belongings? It's like they are saying--- Look, thank you very much for seventeen years of your service. As your eighteenth birthday gift... we present you freedom--- and you get kicked out of the organization.
True--- I still got to keep some of my most treasured valuables. But they took away all of my cool agent gadgets... stuff I couldn't find elsewhere.
I sigh and fold the map. I just can't be accustomed to the ways of the old time civilization. They told me I'd feel totally in control... sure! I had to do everything by myself... but read a map?
I close my eyes. If I were my usual Agent mode, I'd probably find a hundred and one ways to get on with Mission Impossible. UPTracker--- Ultimate Point Tracker... it'll track any point in the world for you. I could just issue a command... but, no. They told me not to worry, I won't need to track down anywhere anymore... just stay put. They didn't consider the fact that their best Agent, well, ex-Agent, could not do so until she fulfills the Organization's last command---
Locate the Library.
Well, that hadn't been the very final instructions issued, but it is the last place I would be ordered to go. Though it certainly sounded final when Alpha ordered me to stay there forever.
My heart weighed in my chest. Overhead, the sun scorched the concrete forest. I'm trapped in heat. If only that library would magically appear before my eyes... but technology and magic do not mix. One is fact, the other is fiction--- one of the motto's of the Organization, warning us to take heed of our surroundings.
They told me I would find the library where the vegetation dominates.
Well, at least I know what I wouldn't miss about the Organization--- their vague or twisted information leaves much to be desired.
I guess the average person will just go up to some random nice guy and ask for directions... but I guess there wasn't enough of me to divide and find an average.
Where is everyone? I frown, pulling down my shades. Yes, just shades. Normal sunglasses... why did they have to take away my SuperPowerShades? I miss the X-ray vision, the tracking device, and... oh, the cool-girl look it gave me.
Still... I have my ways...
Ten minutes later, I'm standing in front of the most splendidly designed building, which would also serve to be my home or prison for the next part of my life... depending on the situation.
At the moment... I face a problem. I can't find the way in.
You see, to say the building is tall--- that's an understatement. The library is one gigantic, towering bookshelf. Unlike the other buildings, this one does not have glass walls, or glass doors. It's like the building is so secluded, any outside distractions... even light, will doom the readers.
I remember hearing stories about this building from my, ah, former colleagues. The building only allows you to enter if you serve a purpose. In other words, if the building doesn't like you, you won't be granted permission to enter. That's a fact. Probably the only way to get rid of those noisy, loud-mouthed people trashing the still library.
So... now how do I reveal my intentions... if I don't even know them?
I bite my lip in frustration. Come on, come on... I hitch up my backpack (containing all that I would need for a lifetime, so I'm told) and circle the building.
Yes, its the library. I can tell just by its magnificence and grandeur. The building radiates an aura so powerful... you'll either be drawn towards it, or you'll be running in the opposite direction, your skin crawling. Strangely enough... I feel neither emotion as I survey the building.
This has got to be the most stately library I'd ever saw. First, there are the plants. Greenery... vegetation. That's how I managed to find this place. This must be the only place with live plants growing legally. With the increasing technology... plants are rare on Earth. I guess that makes books almost non-existent... thus making libraries like this positively, almost-ly extinct. Except that I'm standing here, gawking at one.
Beautiful does not cover it. Stately, charming, grand, magnificent... none of those seem to be the proper word to describe the exterior of the building. It's no ordinary cuboid building. In fact... there is no name to it's shape. I could only describe it as a multi-angular- shaped dome. It's not a pyramid, because, well... multiple angles. Better described as a diamond, or any other gemstone... except it's walls are constructed from... wait... is that...?
I squint my eyes and stare hard at the walls. No, it can't be. Yet, it does look it...
How can such a modern building be built with... wood? The idea is so absurd, I mentally wave it off. Nah, it must be the exterior layer? Maybe some clever tile designed to resemble dark wood? Oak? Cedar? Spruce? Redwood? Pine? I have no idea. The world doesn't exactly offer a wide variation of trees to study. Once upon a time, yeah, I heard that there had been woods, forests, swamps... I've seen pictures... on a screen. Makes me wonder... if I could choose between technology or nature? I wonder why the previous generations had opted for the former.
I was just wondering how in the world do they enter the building through solid walls--- unless they are ghosts, or could go through doors, when out of the ground, a head popped up.
I did the natural thing at this supernatural moment--- I screamed my head off at his head.
Then a body climbed out, and I cover my mouth, feeling sheepish.
Me--- Stella, the supreme Agent, well, former, feeling a little shaken at...at... a boy? What would Alpha say?
Then I remembered that no matter what--- I would not, could not go back. My mind flashed back to the night...
No, I will not think about that now. Pushing the thought out of my mind, I turn to face Earth Boy.
In turn, he studies me. Not usual study... more like... cross-examining, full analyzing me. I don't know how much he can tell from my outside appearance. What I do know is that, at the moment, I appear as the easiest shaken girl who had came across a head growing from stone pavement.
After I got over the first shock of seeing his head pop out of the ground--- which I now see is a trap door cleverly set into the pavings, I take a good look at him...head and all. Tousled dark hair, high cheekbones, milky complexion--- in a warm kind of way...
"So, you're the one they sent?" He questions, drawing me back into reality. I shake myself, mentally slapping my cheeks. Without the physical impact... I feel them burn. Geez... get a grip on yourself, Stella. You aren't here for the boys. But then, when you're an Agent... you don't have the opportunity and good luck to meet the same people on a mission more than once. But this... this time, everything feels different. It's like, I am now beginning a new mission... a permanent one.
"Yeah, I am." I answer, flashing him a small smile, while pushing my shades up. I notice for the first time, his honey brown irises. I had been trained to interpret eye contact... and his reflects humour, as well as grief. I don't stop to question the extremity--- after awhile, you'll grow used to people who had experienced post-traumatic stress, and then used humour to drown the pain away.
"So... this trapdoor... is it the only way into the library?" I edge closer to the hole in the ground. It is about five square feet wide, which can easily fit two thin people. I try to peer into it... but no. It's all darkness. Or maybe the lighting is just too dim under the bright exterior light.
/> "Um... forget them for now." He walks swiftly over and pulls a lever concealed under a stone slab, that most people (including myself) would just walk past without giving it a second thought. Ah... the pleasure of uncovering secrets. I watch in fascination, as the trapdoor, which is working on some kind of machine, lowers and clicks back into place. A perfect fit. No one would be the wiser.
"That's pretty impressive." I praise. Impressive, yes. But after awhile, you'll kind of become immune to impression. That's because, everywhere you go, the developments and technological advancements are built to impress--- you'll experience impression overload.
For a moment, the boy grins. He too, must realize that, because his next words were: "So, you like impressive? Wait till you take a look at the interior!"
He looks into my eyes. I could really tell that he is proud of the library--- which I assume is his home territory. Soon, it may be mine to share. The thought energizes me, which I find surprising. I shouldn't have thought of any place besides the Organization Quarters as home, and yet, here I am, wanting to be a part of this library... even before I set foot inside.
I smile at myself. I'm known for my rash and impulsive emotions. Now, I want more than anything to enter this 'impressive-filled' library. I wonder how a book looks like in real life... a hardcover/ paperback book.
"So..." He says, never shifting his gaze. "Yeah. You were asking. This trapdoor isn't the main entrance, of course. The real doors are up over there---" He points at a set of imaginary doors and wave his hand about in a vague manner. Seeing my bewildered expression, he laughs, and it echoes pleasantly throughout the still atmosphere, of which I am grateful. I'm starting to despise silence out of doors.
"I'll take you, then you could see for yourself--- the ingenuity of the design!" He smiles. "May I know who you are?"
"Stella Starre." I wait for the reaction. There usually is one.
He smirks. Not in a mean way, but it's sort of cute. "Stella. Star. Were you born from a star, or your parents are astronomers?" He teases.